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Non-partisan Trek the Vote matches Star Trek fans with volunteer opportunities to support a free and fair election

Trek the Vote is working with Star Trek cast members to recruit volunteers to support election transparency and voting rights groups

"In an election year as crucial as 2022, voting is not enough,"
— Emily Levy, Executive Director, Scruiteneers
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, USA, October 6, 2022 / -- Non-partisan Trek the Vote is calling on Star Trek fans to volunteer with a wide range of partner organizations to support voting rights, improve election transparency, and help elections administrators meet their staffing needs. Trek the Vote launched a nationwide campaign in 2020 and recruited thousands of Trekkies to volunteer with partners including Fair Count, Power the Polls, and Common Cause.

Organized by Trekkies Organizing for Fair and Equitable Elections (TOFFEE), this year the project includes a panel discussion on October 9 on restoring public confidence in elections featuring Star Trek Voyager’s Tim Russ in conversation with election security and transparency experts from Trek the Vote partner Scrutineers.

URL to register for Tim Russ event:

“We are also inviting volunteers to join Georgia-based voting rights group Fair Count’s phone bank featuring Star Trek: Voyager's Robert Duncan McNeill that will reach out to underserved and underrepresented voters in the state of Georgia. The purpose of the outreach will be to make sure that voters know their rights and have a plan to vote,” said Tae Phoenix, founder (not that kind) of TOFFEE.

URL to register for phone bank with Robert Duncan McNeill:

“Star Trek fans make great volunteers,” said Fair Count’s Aileen Loy. “We love having them with us because it’s clear how much they care about making everyone’s voice count. We’re especially delighted to have Robert Duncan McNeill joining us for our phone bank on the 20th. Phone banking is one of the most impactful ways we reach out to voters and we’re excited to give our volunteers the opportunity to spend some time with someone the Trek community respects so highly."

Trek the Vote is partnering with Common Cause, Fair Count, Center for Common Ground, Power to the Polls, Pizza to the Polls and Scruitineers to match Star Trek fans with volunteer opportunities via Trek the Vote’s website. Depending on responses to a short questionnaire, volunteers will have the opportunity to be trained as poll workers; conduct informational voter outreach; monitor social media to report disinformation; identify and report voter intimidation at the polls; address accessibility needs at polling places; answer questions from voters who are having trouble understanding their rights; and deliver food and water to voters waiting in line to vote in-person.

"In an election year as crucial as 2022, voting is not enough," says Scrutineers' Executive Director, Emily Levy. "In addition to voter registration, get out the vote drives, and working the polls, we need thousands of volunteers to show up and observe the vote counting. Star Trek fans are detail-oriented, care passionately about the future, and respect the expertise of election professionals ."

A wide range of Star Trek cast members are supporting this initiative:

“Star Trek fans are a wonderful group,” said Kate Mulgrew. “They’re intelligent, dedicated, and unafraid to care passionately about the future. I can’t think of a better way for them to use that energy than making sure that our democracy functions smoothly. I hope they all sign up for Trek the Vote.” (Captain Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Prodigy)

“Star Trek represents a future where every voice is heard, and that’s the essence of democracy,” said Wilson Cruz. “If we want a future where gay, Afro-Latinx doctors are just a normal part of life on a starship, then the time to get to work is now.” (Dr. Hugh Culber, Star Trek: Discovery)

“As a producer and director, I get to build make-believe worlds and tell stories that show us who we are,” said Robert Duncan McNeill. “Right now, Star Trek fans have a chance to show the world, and the future, who we are. I know they’re going to rise to the occasion.” (Lt. Tom Paris, Star Trek: Voyager)

“On Voyager, we were tens of thousands of light-years from home,” said Garrett Wang. “All we had was one another and our willingness to do the hard work. That’s where we are as a country right now, and I can’t imagine a better crew to help get us home than the fans I’ve had the honor of knowing these these last 27 years.” (Ensign Harry Kim, Star Trek: Voyager)

Janinne Brunyee
Sugarbird Marketing
+1 206-390-4566
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