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Moldova becomes first country to sign Security and Defence Partnership with EU

On 21 May, at the 8th meeting of the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Council in Brussels, Moldova signed a Security and Defence Partnership with the European Union. 

Moldova became the first country to sign such a partnership, including an ever-closer cooperation in areas ranging from cybersecurity to countering hybrid threats and disinformation, training and capacity building, which will open new areas of cooperation.

The meeting was chaired by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean led the Moldovan delegation. The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, also participated in the Council.

The meeting – the first since the European Council decided to open EU accession negotiations with Moldova – discussed bilateral relations, with a focus on Moldova’s EU accession process, political dialogue and reforms, in particular in the justice, freedom and security sectors. 

Borrell commended the “impressive determination” of the Moldovan government to advance on the European path despite internal and external challenges.

He added that the EU has provided almost €140 million for the modernisation of Moldova’s armed forces through the European Peace Facility. 

“More will come because Moldova can count on the European Union to continue our comprehensive support for your security, stability and resilience, to strengthen your democracy, to impulse – to push for – your reform process on the European course,” Borrell said. 

The EU and Moldovan delegations also exchanged views on co-operation and convergence in the field of foreign and security policy, as well as economic and sectoral cooperation, in particular in the field of energy, trade and trade-related issues.

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